Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Canadians Have it Right

We had a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday since we may be gone for the American holiday. October was perfect! The kids could play outside, the harvest was still happening, and we didn't care that the doors were swinging open and shut all day long. No mud. No snow. No dreary weather. Have I mentioned that going on this mission we get to trade two winters for two summers?! God loves me.

Working backwards: Our boys love a good project! What better project than to cut down the last of the dead poplar trees--after dark--from a ten foot ladder?! In our family, a "project" needs to have a big impact! Once started, we were afraid the big impact might be on the neighbor's house if we didn't see it through to the end. NOT a pleasant way to wake up the people over the fence.

The crash was enjoyed by the pre- and primary-school crowd, as you can see. Wondering why the stump is so tall?  Glad you asked. It's the uphill zip-line stabilizing tree.

 Earlier in the day we enjoyed pressing cider from bushels of apples, smoking "firebird" on the grill (there is no tastier turkey in the world!), and plenty of zip-lining and visiting.

What is it about Thanksgiving that makes it the best holiday of all, whether it's in October or November? I believe it is all about low expectations (low thrill-threshhold, yet again), non-commercialization and family being together. And left-overs.

Suzanne introduced the sisters to an exercise in which we select three adjectives that we want to have characterize our remaining years. One of my words is "engaged." I want to be present. I think gratitude is a large part of what I aspire to.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” 
― Thornton Wilder

Thanks everyone for all you contributed to make this a Thanksgiving to tide us over for the next year and a half. Believe me, I am conscious of my treasures as I remember this day!

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