Thursday, November 7, 2013

Looking forward, looking back

We spent some time today at BYU's Independent Study Office getting trained to be testing proctors for the expatriate children on the farm in Chile. Familiar territory: ethical testing practices. Oh joy. But the operation there is impressive, and it was neat to learn about what is available through Independent Study.

As we left BYU we decided to try some Chilean food from that capital of returned missionary's culinary smorgasbords, which is Provo. Most every food niche is represented in Happy Valley. So, we found ourselves at a little strip-mall eatery called Pantrucas imagining what we will be eating in Chile in a few days or weeks. Of course we tried the "completo," which is a hot dog on wonderful crispy bread with tomatoes, avocado, mayonnaise and I don't know what all. It was yummy! A beef empanada and fresh pineapple juice made us even more eager to get this show on the road.

11:00 a.m. The Completo

Then after a day of errands, including spending way too much on comfortable shoes for the next year and a half--little did the salesman know that comfortable shoes are all I have ever worn!--, we decided to try "The world's best corn dog," from our own little downtown Kaysville corn dog stand. Five bucks for a catsup, mustard and honey drizzled enormous dinner on a stick that has been the rave of northern Utah all summer. We felt lucky they were still open, and extremely, uh, full afterward. Hot dogs are hardly normal fare around here. Two in one day might be a record that will stand for eternity, but memorable. A way to look toward our new adventure, and to put a little endpoint punctuation to summer and our pre-mission life. 

6:00 p.m. The "World's Best" Corn Dog

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