Thursday, August 22, 2013

Three hundred thousand miles and counting....

Jay's Prius' odometer stopped dead in its tracks at the number 299,999. We were getting ready to have a celebration at the three hundred thousand milestone, and it refused to turn. Luckily, Jay could set the trip measurement, so had a record of actual miles for the Toyota dealer, who had absolutely no idea what to do. Hey, Toyota! If you are going to make cars that go the distance, make the odometer capable of recording all those miles!  They eventually agreed to replace it, but it bugs to have this instead of all the miles to which it is entitled:

Though it says 75 miles, it's actually 301,849 miles, and we want credit!

Almost 7 years of the 150 miles/day Tooele/Deseret Chemical Depot commute, two cross-country trips, several Yakima and Seattle trips, a few California down and backs, countless cabin trips; a coyote strike, a billion Great Salt Lake insect strikes, a jackrabbit thump--all on the original battery and everything else (except tires and a catalytic converter and a foglight.)  Not bad!!

We call this car Myrna, and I have a pretend battle with the female GPS voice vying for Jay's affection. She never calls him an idiot for asking for directions on the three block ride home from the church (I think he just loves the sound of her voice), and she is ever so patient in saying, "Recalculating. Make a legal U-turn," after she's told him what street to take already. I should take a lesson from her rather than denigrating her constant babble.  Jay is a yakker and wishes I were more so.  I should let him have this digital friend and try to ignore her voice as I read my book, feet on the dashboard while he adds more miles to the Prius record we are undoubtedly setting.

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