Monday, July 22, 2013

Six Tries and I Have an ID Card!!

Yes, folks, six trips to Hill and I finally have the new military ID card.  On tries 1, 2, 3, and 4, I was snarling.  On trip 5 Jay was snarling and I was having to hold him down.  I did, however mutter as we were leaving without the blasted card, "This has been my experience with the military for forty years, nothing unexpected." I am beginning to rethink my support of ObamaCare. I REALLY detest dealing with ineffiency and red tape.

On a happier note, although what could be happier than accomplishing what seemed to be impossible just a day ago?, the pre-mission physical is d.o.n.e, and I seem not to have colon, uterine, blood, nor guts issues. In other words, I'm healthy.  In fact, my pulse was as slow as an athletes, my blood pressure was low as always and my temperature a perfect 98.6. I won't tell you about the broken parts that the Missionary Department isn't inquiring into.

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