Monday, August 11, 2014

Simple Gifts

Audrey Hepburn said you can tell what kind of woman a man thinks you are by the kind of earrings he gives you. Only one man has ever given me earrings and I married him. (They required that I get my ears pierced so I guess he thought I was fancier than I am, but that's a story for another day.)

The gifts we've received recently have been so perfect you just have to believe that people know who we really are.

A morning at the farm where I got to dig my fingers into a kinky lamb's 
wool coat as he stood on his little wobbly two-day old legs.

Balls of hand-spun wool yarn, wooden knitting needles and a crochet hook with a hand-made clay cooking pot from one of our most diligent students that we teach and fix dinner for once a week.

An invitation to a typical almorzar (lunch, but really dinner) after a teaching appointment
in a home in the country. Yes, she cooks like this every day at noon.

We receive much more than we give on this mission!

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