I've heard the words, "You are hereby called ________" read out loud when our kids and others received their mission calls, but until the letter was in my hands, with my name, I didn't realize how Brigham Young-like that wording was.
We have dreamed and planned for a mission almost since we were married. This is what we want to do, and have looked forward to; but suddenly I realize what those words might sound like to a 19 or 21 year-old who just made up her mind to serve. Those kids have courage! There is something noble about receiving that envelope, with whatever destination it demands and immediately falling in love with the place. Amazing, really. I admire obedience. You're called to the Muddy, the Iron Mission, Pocatello--and you go.
Already Chile has a special place in my heart. Check this sunset out:
And the little hundred-year-old home we will be living in:
Here are the baby olive trees all lined up. Isn't that geometric design gorgeous?
It looks like Egyptian jewelry, or inspiration for a future quilt in my favorite colors.
(Thanks to the Waltons, the missionaries that we will be replacing, who took these pictures)
Here are the basics as we understand them so far: We'll be teaching English to the farmworkers on this huge for-profit olive farm (ranch?) that the Church is developing somewhat near Santiago, Chile (only sunnier and rural). We get to make friends and manage an English language and computer "learning center," for the workers. We don't proselytize, we don't dress up (jeans, fleece jackets, boots--is that a Kathleen mission, or what?!), and we get to keep our favorite companion the whole time! I don't think we go to the MTC--just a day-long orientation in Salt Lake. The call is from the Presiding Bishopric. We will serve 18 months. We don't drive tractors or do farm labor, although we are called Agricultural Service Missionaries. (It sounds as though Jay and I can keep our dream alive of living on a farm with no responsibilities for plants or animals.) We'll try not to be too lazy!
It makes me so happy to think of you in this beautiful place in that adorable cottage. But makes me cry to think you won't be just a day's drive away.